Publications on Jesus Christ, Part 1 of 5: The Birth of Jesus
This is a list of my publications covering the birth and heritage of Jesus Christ:
- The Virgin Birth Of Jesus Christ (Article)
- Jesus is NOT the "Reason for the Season" (article)
- Outlines are available for the 4 Gospels that tell the Good News of Jesus' birth and life:
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 - The Heart of the Gospel (Slides)
Audios, Part 1 of 5: The Birth of Jesus: Click on an Audio File to play it in my Dedicated Audio Player
Publications on Jesus Christ, Part 2 of 5: Jesus the Teacher
This is a list of my publications covering Jesus' life, His miracles and His message:
- 1 Timothy 3:16 - Jesus Christ in One Verse (Chart)
- Jesus Christ Had Friends (article)
- Was Jesus Married? (Presentation)
- QA What Did Jesus Do About Family Problems?
- QA: Jesus didn't teach "absolute values", did He? - 6/13/2021
The Perfect Sermon (tract)
- The Sermon on the Mount explored (Sermon Series)
- Part 2: Contrasts: Matthew 5:13-26 (Slides)
- Part 4: Love Applied: Matthew 5:38-48 (Slides)
- The Work of the Lord (slides)
- Mark 3: The Withered Hand (article)
- No One Can Corner Jesus (article)
- Was Jesus a Communist? A Reply to Matthew Modine's Movie (article)
- Christ and Marx's Ten Planks 2020 REVISED (article) FEATURED
- Consider Jesus to Grow (Slides)
Audios, Part 2 of 5: Jesus the Teacher: Click on an Audio File to play it in my Dedicated Audio Player
Publications on Jesus Christ, Part 3 of 5: Jesus the Prophet
This is a list of my publications covering Jesus Christ as the unique Prophet of God:
- Jesus IS the Christ (article)
- Hebrews 9: The Better Tabernacle (article)
- 1 John 4:7-11 - The Love and Respect of Man that God Deserves (outline)
- That It Might Be Fulfilled (article)
- Romans 1 - Putting God in Our Knowledge #1: The Approved Prophet (outline)
- Christ or Mohammed? (outline)
- Who is "Killing Jesus"? (article)
- Commentary Segment #206: Proverbs 30:29-31 - Walk the Royal Walk
Audios Part 3 of 5: Jesus the Prophet: Click on an Audio File to play it in my Dedicated Audio Player
Publications on Jesus Christ, Part 4 of 5: Jesus & the Cross
This lists my publications covering Jesus' last week, HIs crucifixion and death:
- The Cross of Christ (article)
- The Thief on the Cross (Slides)
- Doctrines That Died on the Cross (outline)
- QA: What Must Christians Do to Remember the Crucifixion of Christ?
- Did Christ Die in Vain? (Trifold Tract) REVISED
Audios Part 4 of 5: Jesus & the Cross: FEATURED Click on an Audio File to play it in my Dedicated Audio Player
Please find additional pages to support your Bible studies:
- Bible Basics is for those starting an individual study or how need an overview of the Bible
The Bible & Evolution clarifies the Bible's writings that reference Creation in light of Evolution
What Is Sin? Tries to address the question of what things displease God NEW
Bible Books outlined provides an outline of the content of a Bible book
Church History outlines the global evidence of our brethren throughout the ages since Jesus' resurrection