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Sticks and Stones

A childhood chant was, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Really? Maybe that is true with physical pain, but words intended to hurt, do indeed, hurt. Otherwise, why would some people hurl so many hateful, hurtful, obscene, filthy, or vile words at a fellow human being? Sometimes these come from parents, children, friends, associates, or relatives. God knows how words can hurt, and He has tried to help the situation by telling His children:

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers (Ephesians 4:29).

“Corrupt” literally means “rotten, putrid, like fruit.” Slinging “corrupt” speech splatters even the slinger! God’s way is best for all concerned; don’t you think?            - May 18, 2020

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